Saturday, July 3, 2010

Slicing Red Onions Made Me Cry And Then I Rubbed Them With My Fingers

I am a genius.

Tonight after work, I made panzanella for the 4th of July picnic tomorrow night. It's a delicious traditional Italian bread salad, and it is so easy to make. I made my own version, though. I combined bread, tomatoes, red onion, hot banana pepper rings, green and kalamata olives, garlic, EVOO and balsamic vinegar in a bowl. It's marinating over night in the refrigerator. Yum-o!

Unfortunately for me, though. I was slicing the red onion and my eyes really started to sting and water. That typically doesn't happen for me when I slice onion, so I guess this one was particularly pungent. Luckily, Bekah loves onion. If she could eat onions like apples, she would, if it weren't for all of the strange stares she would get. And Ted still kisses me with garlic breath, so taste is not an issue at this point. I am just extremely emotional at this point...Or, so it may seem.

So, instead of washing my hands and rubbing my eyes like a sensible girl should, I just dug my fingers into my eye sockets and filled them with onion residue.


I'm still teary-eyed and so full of regret.

Happy 4th of July to you all! Enjoy your family and friends, and please be safe!

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